Sunday, March 5

Welcome to Another SUNDAY RIDE, March 5th 2006

Oh, yes, SUNDAYS. I love them. Even when it is raining outside...NOT...Yes it's sunday, time for another ride. This is the first ride of the year for me. Today we had Ivan, and Penny who showed up at 9am to do the famous PUYALLUP RIDE. This ride is about 35 miles. We had a blast. We also had some problems. First off, Mr. Ivan had to turn around and go get his keys out of his car. I thought this was funny. I have never done that. Then things started going WRONG.... I had flats....Yes more then one. Oh, and Penny fell. It was all our fault. We were going to start moving, but we sat there. I don't know what was going on. Well at any rate we had so much fun. Ivan and Penny both called me at home to make sure that I was going to show up. Everbody that knows me KNOWS that I don't do Rain. But I said, " What the hell, I have bike gear and my bike has fenders." Boy was I a fool. It was cold, and it did rain. But it was so FUN. Oh my god I am so glad that I did this.

So sit back get something to drink and scroll down and see what we did this wonderful Sunday morning.

Remember to hug a friend, wear clean undies and I will see you on the road.
Tracy :)
PS. Ratman, Dave and Chris, we missed you guys. Hope you can make it next SundayPosted by Picasa


At 7:12 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

glad to see that you are back in the saddle again! just in time to start training for the STP, methinks. it is just a comfort to know that the world is a better place now that Tracy is riding again on Sunday mornings.

c u soon, hot stuff!!!!!


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