Saturday, November 10

1464 St. James Court

This house is in the Book for Haunted places in Old Louisville. The author of the book "Phantoms of Old Louisville " says the following about this Place:

"One endearing story from the neighborhood involves the lovely stone house at 1464 St. James Court. Said to be the second home built on the court, it has played host to more than a century's worth of families, hardship and sorrow. Although prior generations have moved on, it seems ghostly phenomena remain behind to remind current inhabitants about the phantoms of the past that still call Old Louisville home. In this case no specters have materialized out of thin air and then vanished; no cold spots have put a chill on the evening's festivities and no flickering lights have cast momentary doubt on the host's good intentions. In this case, all that remains is a SOUND, and a solitary one at that, that hints at a tragedy in the past, a tragedy that has left its audible mark on the present."

This is a section of the book that was written by "David Domin'e Phantoms of Old Louisville". To find out what that sound is... You need to buy his book. Or just ask me.
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At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

live there, no sound

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should see the back yard. Just as beautiful as the house!!!!


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