Saturday, March 8

Winter Blast March 8th 2008

Welcome to Kentucky. This is our SECOND major snow storm in a month. We had about 14 inches fall in less then 24 hours. The weather man was saying we were having what is called "THUNDER SNOW". It means, we had lightning shot across the sky, but instead of hard rain..... We got SNOW. Lots, and LOTS, of snow per hour. The snow started falling yesterday afternoon, March 7th. At first it was just not cold enough for it to stick, but it kept right on coming. Soon, it was falling so fast that the snow that was trying to melt, was hit with more snow, so there you have it. Our storm and I HOPE the last for the year. Enjoy the pictures and leave comments. Have a great week, oh, and don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour... Day light sayings..... ya, right..
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