Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of our Sunday Ride.
This Sunday we had the following people meet at our favorite spot "Old Town Bicycle". There was Ray aka "Rat Man", Chris, aka "SpeedDemon", Ivan, aka "I'm going to Italy for three months", Dave, aka "I have a nice new SEAT", and then there was myself.
We meet at 9 am and had a brief discussion oh what route we wanted to take. Ray said "Lets do the Stelicoom ride, it's only 35 miles". Yes it was only 35 miles... Of HILLS. I felt like I was going to just die. But I said "Ok, lets do it". We went along the water front and up into the tunnel and down to Point Defense. We did the five mile drive for a little warm up. Point defense was a indication of more hills to come. The weather was great. We meet lots and lots of other riders. When we reached Stelicoom we had our coffee break. This very nice Lady at the coffee shop toped off all of our water bottles. When she filled my bottle the water shot up and squirted her dead in the face. I told her that happens a lot to me. She laughed so hard we could still here her five minutes later.
Speaking of things flying in peoples faces. Ivan was hit in the face by some foreign substance that flew off of the bike of Chris. We found out what it was.... It was DOG CRAP.... Dear god in heave thank GOD it was not me. I would of crashed my bike. Dave was also hit on his upper lip by some bug that literally exploded all over the side of his upper lip. I had rocks flying all over the place. This bike ride was just plain WILD.
Well over all it was just plain fun. Next week we may go down to Daves neck of the woods (The Lacey area), and do a 50 mile ride. Keep looking at the comments and this blog for updates. That's it for now.
Remember hug a friend and wear clean undies....And I'll see ya on the road.
PS. Next time I will have pictures. Had camera, but the batteries were dead. Sorry.
it was a wild ride and had alot of fun albeit was behind chris most of the time. i did the same ride today it was great ill admit it was on my chopper so if any of you saw a sky blue motorcycle with purple flames and as long as a chevy s10 it was me! and tracy..........get some batteries!
the guy going to italy for three months
This was a fun ride! Its always a fun ride..we're safe, healthy..and I stayed away from Chris's back wheel..charge the batteries! squeak squeak Rat
do it!
what time tommarrow?
So are you guys coming to Lacey to do the Western Chehalis Trail? If so, what time will you be here? If not, same time at Old Town?
I have to skip tommorow. I'll see everyone next week.
I'll be at the Chambers Lake (14th Ave. on the Olympia/Lacey line) trailhead of the Western Chehalis Trail at 9:30 Sunday morning. I'll wait until around 10 before riding myself!
Tracy knows the way. Anybody coming this way should bring all the water and snacks you need for a ride in the 45-50 mile range.
C ya,
crap i dont know how to get there can i follow someone there?
so someone leave a reply i will check in the morning
I don't know if Tracy intends to come down here. If he does, he would probably want to meet at Old Town first. But here are directions:
Take I-5 South to exit 107/Pacific Ave. At the end of the ramp (light) turn Left and pass under the highway and through the next light at the other ramp. Get in the Right lane as you climb a short hill to the next light, then get in the Right turn lane at that light. Turn Right on Fones Rd. At the end of Fones Rd. turn Left at the light. The road makes a quick left/right. Then you will see a RR trestle/overpass. The entrance to Chambers Lake is through a gate on the Right just before the RR overpass. The parking lot is right there.
I'll be there from 9:30 to 10. I'll ride with whoever shows up! I hope to see all y'all there! (FYI, "all y'all" is plural. "Y'all" is singular! LOL)
iam moving today in my new house weeee. i wish i rode on sun.waaaaaaaaa! i really wanted to go riding sunday BUT there wasnt enough info for me to know what time an all that so i hope next sunday i can ride it will be my last sunday ride with you all for i am going to italy.
i got in an auto accident iam ok though there was a bee hive in my truck an they all attacked me on the freeway and i hit a light post iam lucky i owned a 1966 chevy truck!
FYI, I have a nice, new saddle. My seat is the same old one, but it’s very nice too! LOL
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