Wednesday, August 3

Seafair Weekend

Oh dear god in heaven. This weekend is the SEAFAIR WEEKEND. From August 5-7 there are too main events happening. (1) The Chevrolet Cup and (2) KeyBank Air Show. Now if we all still want to do this ride this Sunday on the 7th. We will have to leave "Old Town Bikes" at about 7:30 am..... Ya I know it is early, but just like Ray said, it's going to be hot and we have a long way to go. So please respond to this Post and let me know.


Monday, August 1


Ok, we all SHOULD of been at "Old Town Bikes" at like 7:30 am. The ferry left Point Defiance at 8:10 am. I guess I should of been a little bit clearer on this. Well anyway some of us did meet at the "Old Town Bikes" at 7:30. Those individuals were........ Chris (AKA Speed Demon), boy did he live up to that name, and Ivan, Mr. I'm going to Italy for three months. The ride was great. Do we ever have a bad day riding, I don't think so. Well let me tell you about this ride. You are either going UP A HILL or you are going DOWN A HILL. That was the whole ride. We did have a occasional FLAT area, that maybe lasted all of 10 minutes. The rest was half a hour of up hill torture. But it was good torture. The weather was HOT. Chris was way out front and Ivan was a close second. I on the other had was taking my time going up those hills from hell. Slow and steady, that's my motto. The whole ride was a little over 20 miles. So it was not long at all. We did the ride in about a hour and a half. On the way back to the Ferry guess who we ran into? Ray and Dave. They were going to meet us at "Old Town Bikes", but my attempt at clear directions was a little off. Dave did drive down to Point Defiance Ferry doc to see if we were there at 8:05. He didn't see us because we were in the very front of the Ferry and had gone off site seeing on the top deck. Ray on the other hand, did not get to the meeting point until 9:00 am. So Ray and Dave did the ride on there own. Never the less it was great seeing my old riding friends. After a short talk Chris, Ivan and myself made our way to the ferry doc.
So remember every body. Next time when we have a ride, send comments MUCH SOONER. That way I can let everybody know what we will be doing and WHEN TO MEET.hhahhaha. Well next Sunday I want to do a long ride. It will be about 80 miles or so. We will meet at 9:00 am at "Old Town Bikes".

So get out there and get ready. If you have any comments send them to me. Hug a friend and wear clean undies.

AND I will......See ya on the road....


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