Tuesday, August 30

SUNDAY the 28th, Western Trails.....

Welcome to another story of our Sunday Ride. This time we went to Lacey and went on one of the best rides of the summer. I would like to thank Dave, aka, " I have a nice new seat". He has been trying to get us to go down to Lacey, like forever. Well it sure did pay off. Thank you Dave.... The day started out sort of over cast. But it was perfect riding weather. Ray, aka "Rat Man", and myself meet up with Dave at the Parking lot in Lacey. We all went riding on a Trail Called "Chehalis Western Trail". This use to be a old rail road line, that is now totally paved and very flat. Our other riders that normally ride with us were unable to attend this sundays ride. They were indeed missed and missed a great ride. Ray and myself did meet up with too other guys that wanted to ride with us, but because we were leaving "Old town Bikes", in Tacoma and going down to Lacey they just could not make it. I hope they will come and ride with us NEXT SUNDAY. Now about the ride in Lacey.
We left the parking lot around 10am. We waited for Ivan, aka, "I'm going to Italy for three months", but he did not show. Later I found out he couldn't make it..... NEWS FLASH..... Ivan had a car accident. He is ok, I just read my email. Thank God he was driving that huge boat he calls a car, things could of been worst. He did not get hurt and he will tell us all about it next sunday.....
Ok, back to the ride.... I have to tell you that this ride was by far the best ride that I have gone on in a long time. We meet so many other riders. Every body was so nice and friendly. But bikers are nice and friendly, right?? Well most of them anyway. Well like I was saying Ray, Dave and myself just had a wonderful time. We have all got to go back to this Trail, but this time go towards Yelm.
Well that's about it for now, oh, I did run into some other guys at "Old Town Bikes" when I got back, that wanted the direction on this wonderful bike ride we all went on... I told them, "You will have to come ride with us to find it". So we may have some new people coming along.
Until next time, hug a friend, wear clean undies and I will see ya, on the road.
Tracy :)

Here we are getting ready to leave the parking lot from Lacey. Ray is the guy taking the bike off the back of my car and Dave is the guy putting on his HOT BIKE SHOES... Posted by Picasa

This is a ACTION PHOTO. Taken while racing down this path going to Tenino. Ray is the guy in front of me. I took my "Fujih Digital Camera" with me this time. I had gotten such GRIEF about not taking pictures, so here you guys go. Posted by Picasa

Here is a Picture of one of my bikes. This is the winter bike. Have not been on it for a while, so I took her for a little spin. I was really trying to make my mind up on which way to go. I wanted to go to Tenino. We went to Tenino.... Posted by Picasa

Here is Dave, on the left in the yellow jersey, and on the Right is Ray, AKA "The Rat Man". They don't seem to not know which way I want to go. Yelm to the Left, Tenino to the Right. Posted by Picasa

Ok here is Dave, AKA "I have a new seat". He is just having a blast. As you can see by the sign, only 2 to 12 year olds are allowed here. Unless they are being Watched by a adult. Ray and myself did make sure he didn't fall off and break anything. You go Dave....you crazy person you.hahahh
You know what? I think I have one of those little toys in my back yard. hmmmmmm Posted by Picasa

This is a group of Riders we meet at the rest stop in Tenino. The bathrooms were "Wonderful", and had a very STRANGE and FOUL smell. It was just plain nasty... And oh my god, so SMALL... If you turned around the door would bust you upside the head. Posted by Picasa

This is another Action Photo, taken while screaming over this bridge. It is of the "OLD SWIMMING HOLE". If you look very, very hard, you can see a ROPE where people would swing out into the water. Those FOOLS. Just jump off the bridge..... You will have to climb this chain link fence, but those are just little things. hahahh Posted by Picasa

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