Saturday, March 8

Winter Blast March 8th 2008

Welcome to Kentucky. This is our SECOND major snow storm in a month. We had about 14 inches fall in less then 24 hours. The weather man was saying we were having what is called "THUNDER SNOW". It means, we had lightning shot across the sky, but instead of hard rain..... We got SNOW. Lots, and LOTS, of snow per hour. The snow started falling yesterday afternoon, March 7th. At first it was just not cold enough for it to stick, but it kept right on coming. Soon, it was falling so fast that the snow that was trying to melt, was hit with more snow, so there you have it. Our storm and I HOPE the last for the year. Enjoy the pictures and leave comments. Have a great week, oh, and don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour... Day light sayings..... ya, right..
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Welcome to Arbor Wood

Look at all of this snow. I was in heaven. For a while. Then the reality hit, I would have to shovel the drive way later on. Oh, dam.
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Our House March 8th 2008

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Billtown Road

This is the road leading to our house. This was taken today March 8th around 12:30 in the afternoon.
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Leaving the house

There was a lot of snow. You can tell by the tracks out of the garage. The snow was blowing and most of the pictures I took, I had to hang out of the window of the car. Robert was convinced we were going to die. I said Robert, "Life is a banquet, and some POOR slob is out there starving to death",
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The Front Door

We have a nice little white fence around our side walk that leads to the front door. Don't you see it? It's right there! Trust me. It is there....The snow just keeps falling... Robert and I are off to find a shovel.
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Angeleta Slave Labor

After I spent hours digging us out, my next door neighbor hired a couple of guys, or in this case ONE GUY, to clear out her drive way. Of course, it was also the only way she could get her car out of the drive way.
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Clean Drive Way

This took HOURS... I hate this dam snow.... It is pretty..
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Ice covered Car

Robert's car covered in ICE.
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Medicine Time for Lizzy Cat

After going to the Vet, Robert found out that Ms. Lizzy Cat had a parasite in her blood. We had to give her pills each morning, and at night we had to give her this liquid medicine. As you will see from the following pictures, it was a chore to do this. Robert of course had to do most of this, because I was just no help. I could not stop laughing at how he would give the cat the medicine.
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Tricking the Cat

As you can see this cat love to lay on folks. That would be Robert. Well Robert had a plan. After getting the medicine ready, he had to lure the cat into thinking everything was A-OK. Silly Cat.... Give her time, she will learn all of Robert's little tricks...
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Fight Ms. Lizzy Cat, FIGHT

Robert had the time of his LIFE to get that cat to open her mouth. He kept asking me to help, but all I could do was Laugh. I'm so sorry Robert, but I had much more fun watching you fight with the cat...
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Medicine goes DOWN....

Ms. Lizzy Cat was just a big old mess, Robert had to wash down her medicine with a good shot of nice cold water. As you can tell she really, really enjoyed this part.
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Pissed off Cat

Lizzy Cat was very upset after taking her medicine. But she is all done now. She was so upset, she would not even LOOK at Robert or I. Ah, well, I guess I will live.
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