Tracys Big Blog
My life as it goes by, day after day, after day. Wanted a place for family and friends to see what is going on with me. Also, FOR THE RIDE AT 9....Well that is not happening now. I live in Louisville. No riding the bike here, unless you want to be run off the road..
Monday, October 29
Morgan Passed away
On October 20th, Robert and I had to say good bye to our wonderful family member Morgan. AKA Morgan the cat from hell. Morgan was a wonderful pet for Robert and I. Morgan had begun to lose weight and almost stopped eating. The last sign that Morgan was not right, was on Friday the 19th, when she would not even eat her WET FOOD. People that know Morgan, know if wet food is around, watch out, she will knock you down to get to that food dish. One thing about Morgan, she was greedy... I sat up all night, went to bed around four in the morning making sure she was alright. When I got up at 8am, I made Robert take her to the vet. He called me on the cell to say that she had Kidney failure. She only had 23 percent of her kidneys working. The vet said she also only weight five pounds. She had lost 10 pounds in a matter of a few months. The Vet said her body could not hold fluids. She said there as ways to keep Morgan alive for another month, but she could not say her treatment would work. Robert and I did not want Morgan to suffer.
Robert held Morgan to the very end. He was very upset about the lost of his beloved CAT. We had Morgan cremated and will find a nice earn to put her in.
So if you happened to read this blog, leave a little note about Morgan.