Monday, January 21


Ok, January 20th was Roberts Birthday. Each year I try to think of something FUN to do on his big day. Last year, I took him to "Dinosaur World" here in Kentucky. Today, I took Robert to "Lynn's Paradise Cafe", in the out skirts of downtown Louisville. A fun, yet very Seattle like atmosphere. Found it on the Internet while Robert was sleeping upstairs. It looked like so much fun, so off we went. Enjoy the photos.
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Hot Coffee any one

Here is Robert standing in front of the big coffee pot and mug. Normally water runs out of the pot, falls in the mug and keeps going over and over again. Today, the water was frozen solid in the mug and we were not to far away from being frozen also. Man, it was COLD......
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Robert and friend

This is Robert, he is standing next to a horse. If you lift the horses tail, the toast falls in side of the horse and when you push it back down, BAM... You have toast. Will wonders ever stop....
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The place was PACKED

My sister never could of made it. It was wall to wall people. Our wait time was 50 minutes. They have this very nice gift shop and best of all they had HEAT. It was very, very, very cold outside. Robert wanted a set of salt and pepper shakers that looked like chickens in a CHEF outfit. I wanted a kitchen sink they you could put on your desk at work. It hold paper clips. We got both.
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Tea Bag Light

What a cool way to make a light. They took USED tea bags, and put them together and made a very interesting light. They look like a pair of pants hanged from the ceiling. With belt and suspenders. I ask Robert, how in the hell did they get all those tea bags? Roberts answer was... "Excuse me sir, are you done with that tea bag?" We just started laughing..
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Best of Louisville

SO, they have used tea bags hanging from the ceiling. Big deal.. They still won best of Louisville...
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Our trip to see puppies

Oh, they are so CUTE... The big one with the light brown fur is a German Shepard. The other two are sisters, they had some sort of "Rock Wilder" mix. Can't remember. But oh, they were so cute. The one standing by the little toy was the one I picked up.
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Now how in the world anybody could say no to that face?? They would have to be an in human MONSTER. Well, HELLO from the Monster. I just could not bring my self to bring her home with us. I picked her up and held her, and played with her. Then the barking started, and then she started using the bathroom, on the floor. All I could think about was "DEAR GOD, my house would be a mess". So, NO DOG.... NOT YET anyway..
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Roberts New Train Set

Well the day at last was coming to a close. Robert got his beloved UPS Train set, which he wanted to play with all night, but I had to have him take it apart. We were on our way out for his Birthday Dinner. Thank GOD, Birthdays only come ONCE a year. TA.. TA... FOR NOW...

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