Sunday, May 6

The Jockeys Photo

Well folks, this is THE BIG KENTUCKY DERBY. This is a picture of all the Jockeys before the race. Each year they stand and get their photo taken.
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This horse thinks it over

This horse told us all what he thought of the whole affair. He licked his tongue at us. That was so cute.
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Yes, even in Kentucky the QUEEN OF ENGLAND her self was here. She was looking down at the horses as they were being lead on to the field. Robert was trying to see if her Royal Majesty would like to come by our place for a MINT JULIP, but security would not let him ask. That's her lost.
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Jockeys get Ready

The jockeys are lead out to the field.
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Dudda, dunna, dunn, dunn

This is the start of the RACE. This guy blows the horn. Anticipation is HIGH. In front of him are the trophies for the Winner of the Derby and the other winners. They get the little trophies.
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And there OFF.......

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The Home Stretch

Here they come, the home stretch, number 4 is coming home, but WAIT, here comes number 7 "Street Smart". Looks close folks. Number 7 is coming down the home stretch, from way in the back of the line. The crowed is going nuts, who will win, number 7 or number 4??????
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Number 7 "Street Smart" WON the KENTUCKY DERBY. I told Robert it would win. It came all the way back from number nineteen to win the Derby. I told Robert I wanted to bet 1000 on this horse, Robert said "Are you out of your dam Mind?" So no, NO MONEY FOR US...
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What a Cute House

Yes, another Picture of the house. I just Cut the grass and had to take a picture. Boy the weather has been strange here. One day Rain like you never would believe and the next Beautiful.
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Plant at front door

Since we had this little wicker stand at the front door I just had to have some sort of plant on it. In the back ground you can see Roberts little bird bath. So Cute.
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Swing and Plant

I told Robert I would get him a new swing, because we had to leave the old one in Tacoma. So there you have it. Also went and bought some yard plants. This is a Hydrangea Tree from QVC.
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New Patio Set

This is our new Patio Set. Robert and I wanted to have a outdoor living area, so there you have it. Now if I can just get this guy to come over and pour the cement.
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Yes, Robert went and bought me a new Grill. Since we left Tacoma, I left the old grill at the old house. This grill is wonderful. You can raise the coals to be closer to the meat, or vice versa. I have to keep it covered, want it to last.
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